Did You Know About Persian Cats


Persian Cats


The Persian is the glamor puss of the cat world. His beautiful, flowing coat, sweet face and calm personality have combined to make him the most popular cat breed. He is high maintenance and he has some health issues, but for many his looks and personality overcome those drawbacks.

The Persian is the most popular pedigreed cat in North America, if not the world. He first came into vogue during the Victorian era, but he existed long before then. Little is known about his early history, though.

The Persian comes in two types: show and traditional. The show Persian has a round head enhanced with a thick ruff, small ears, a flat nose, big round copper eyes, a broad, short body with heavy boning atop short tree-trunk legs, and a thick, flowing plume of a tail. The traditional Persian, also known as the Doll Face, does not have the extreme features of the show Persian, and his nose is a normal length, giving him a sweet expression. Both types have a long, glamorous coat that comes in many colors and patterns, and both share the same wonderful personality.

The Persian’s sweet, gentle face turns up to gaze at his favorite people the way a pansy turns its face to the sun. He communicates with his expressive eyes and his soft, melodious voice. The Persian is the epitome of a lap cat, with a restful and undemanding personality. He loves to cuddle, but he’s also playful and curious. He’s not a jumper or climber, instead posing beautifully on a chair or sofa or playing with a favorite feather toy. Persians prefer a serene, predictable environment, but they can be adaptable enough to weather a loud, boisterous family as long as their needs are understood and met.

Physical Attributes

Persian cats are medium-sized, usually weigh between seven and 12 pounds, and measure from 10-15 inches tall. They have a rounded head, small, rounded ears, and big eyes. They also typically have a flat and pushed-in looking face with chubby cheeks. However, “traditional” or “doll-face” Persian cats have pointier features like their ancestors.

These cats have a sturdy body and thick, solid legs, which partly accounts for the fact that they are not known to be jumpers. They much prefer keeping all four paws planted firmly on the ground or hanging over the side of the couch while they relax.

One of their most distinguishing characteristics is their long, silky coat. They have an undercoat and a topcoat, which feels luxurious to the touch, but also tends to shed quite a bit. These long-haired cats can come in a multitude of patterns and colors, including white, black, blue, cream, chocolate, and red. These cats can additionally have a variety in their eye color, including multiple shades of blue, green, or copper eyes.

Personality Traits

A cat’s personality is based largely on where and how they’re raised, but the Persian cat personality is known for certain characteristics. For instance, they are said to be relatively quiet and sweet cats who love to lounge around. While they are affectionate and enjoy attention, they’re not usually the type to demand constant attention. In fact, they can be standoffish and reserved around new people until they get to know them.

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